Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sometimes I Make Wedding Videos

Sometimes I make wedding videos. This is the last one that I made. Back in July I filmed Chris and Kim Herrera. I became good friends with Kim this last spring. She asked me to date her, and I turned her down (only as a joke, even though I think she took it seriously). Now you see the fruits of my rejecting her. Let that be a lesson to you girls, if I reject you then you will probably get married soon.

I also have a hard time dealing with rejection, and not just from girls. Sometimes I fear rejection from the things I create, like videos. Usually I will create something and only show it to my closest friends or to no one at all. Since showing it to no one is useless, and my close friends will most likely say it is great no matter what; I'm going to post it here.

Since this is what I want to do as a career I would like to get better. Feel free to comment on this post so that I can make my videos better.


  1. I love it! Very good job, I want one now :)

  2. everyone fears rejection jube, particularly from sharing creative talents (music, video, design, writing, etc). there will always be haters. there will always be lovers. the only thing i am going to hate on is the chris merritt song. good music, bad guy. the end.

  3. I like it when you post your work! Sweet stuff!!
